Product Description
by Willard Conchin
Table of Contents
Part I: Some of God's Great Young People
Lesson 1: Introductory Lesson
Lesson 2: The Sterling Character of Joseph
Lesson 3: The Heart of David
Lesson 4: The Loyalty of Jonathan
Lesson 5: The Wisdom of Solomon
Lesson 6: The Unfeigned Faith of Timothy
Lesson 7: Comprehensive Review of Part I
Part II: Some Good People Who "Goofed"
Lesson 8: Samson, Whose Strength Was Changed to Weakness
Lesson 9: Rehoboam, Who Folowed the Wrong Advice
Lesson 10: Absalom, Whose Greedy Ambition Broke His Father's Heart
Lesson 11: The Rich Young Ruler, Whose Trust Was in His Treasure
Lesson 12: The Prodigal Son, Who Finally "Came to Himself"
Lesson 13: Comprehensive Review of Part II