Product Description
The Pillar of Truth workbook series of the New Testament takes a fresh look at these timeless documents from the Spirit. Most are broken into helpful sections as well as lessons to assist the student in digesting the material and all come from the hand of a diligent Bible student and teacher.
The First Epistle of Peter (1 Peter) has long been a favorite of Bible students everywhere. Its language is straightforward, easy to read, and understandable; its message is timeless, practical, and much needed. Peter speaks to us today with the experience and wisdom of an older man, and also with authority and inspiration as one of Christ’s apostles. This epistle is not meant to be a doctrinal treatise, but serves as a letter of encouragement to Christians who are “aliens and strangers” in a godless world. His overall message is one of the Christian’s submission to God in the form of his submission to various people and authorities in the world.
The Second Epistle of Peter (2 Peter) serves a different purpose than does the first epistle. Peter’s first epistle is written to Christians regarding their struggle to remain faithful in the world; his second epistle is written about the ungodly world itself, its effect on the believer’s faith, and what believers must do to respond to this. A fascinating study, 2 Peter provides information about the nature of false teachers and false teaching—perhaps in more detail than anywhere else in the New Testament—and gives us a view of what is yet to come.
The 1 & 2 Peter Study Workbook offers a reasonable and practical commentary on both of Peter’s epistles, and takes time to explain some of their more challenging subject matters. The reading is clear, forthright, and makes every attempt to maintain a big-picture analysis while dealing with any given passage. At the end of each lesson are questions designed to further the Bible student’s understanding of the material. This workbook is an excellent companion for individual and adult studies alike.