
Biblical Figures of Speech



Product Description

by Wayne Jackson

One of the greatest sources of error in the community of "Christendom" has been a failure to properly identify and interpret figures of speech. This exegetical ineptness has been responsible for creating a great variety of sectarian doctrines.

These are solid, logical rules, by which intelligent people operate every day and have acknowledged for centuries, that enable careful students to recognize the difference between literal language and figurative expressions.

This book has been designed to help the conscientious Christian sharpen his skills in this area of Bible interpretation. After reading this book, the astute Bible student will be better equipped to:

  • Recognize the importance of biblical figures of speech
  • identify various types of figurative language in the Bible
  • identify dangers in confusing literal and figurative terms
  • appreciate the power, beauty, and lasting impressions of biblical symbolism


139 pages, paperback.

  • An Introduction to Figurative Language
  • Identifying Figurative Language
  • Mistaking the Literal for the Figurative - 1
  • Mistaking the Literal for the Figurative - 2
  • Mistaking the Figurative for the Literal - 1
  • Mistaking the Figurative for the Literal - 2
  • The Symbolism of the Apocalypse
  • Similies, Similitudes and Allegories
  • Metaphors
  • Metonymy
  • Synecdoche, Hyperbole and Prolepsis
  • Parables
  • Typology
  • Sources Cited

139 pages